You know guy's every person has so many tension. when a person start his life from schooling he has tension's about study, coaching's classes, home work's. and when he start his college life then he think what should i choose which make my future bright and success. these all his personal tension's apart from this family issues, friend's issue's, girl friend issue's. so a man face's so many tension's.
So how to get rid rid of from all tension's. always remember one thing there's no solution of your tension just ignore it and just look forword and forget all the thing's just think only about you and you nothing else. because Your tension does not make any difference to anyone. If you make a difference then only you.And it would be better if you do not take anything on your heart. Because the thing on the heart hurts inside.
So do obeisance on yourself and do not take any word on your heart. This will be good for your health. And try to stay away from those people.Those who give you tension or who have negative thinking. Do not you learn anything from those peoples , but negativity will definitely learn.So do obeisance on yourself and make distances from such people as possible. This will not only benefit you but also those who meet you besides them.
And remember one thing always by taking tension, if the problem was resolved then every person in this world would be happy and happy.And as much as you keep yourself busy, it will be better for you. There is a saying that the empty mind is the house of the devil. To a great extent, this is true.Try to meet those people with whom you can learn something that will come to your hands in your future.For today its quit enough,I hope you will follow them. And apply them to your life.